Tuesday, May 22, 2007



* The things that haunt you, haunt you not cos they haunt you but cos u haunt yourself with all those haunting moments.

Punctuation spells DOOM if not punctuated properly.

The wind always changes directions when u exhale smoke.

Friends, phone calls, fate, forever. Four words that should never be uttered together.

The problem with being punctual is not that there's no one to appreciate, its just that U HAVE TO FUCKING WAIT.

Photoshop lets you age gracefully.


* Mouth is the best bottle opener.

Driving the car, smoking, talking on the phone, changing a song in the iPod.

To be able to make people understand that you're not leaving them forever, either you should have a time machine or just convince them you'r not.

Identifying the Bass Guitar parts in any given song.

* Telling a girl  that she looks damn hot in a "BANIYAN"


Time and tide wait for the correct sized battery to be put it.

Spending time for each other does not always make up for lost things.

Knowing that ur the first person who's just walked out of the exam hall, should actually mean something.

* Time and Independent thinking are co-related.

* Time can be measured by number of coffee's/ number of torn tissue papers/ number of missed calls/ number of times you want to say Sorry


* A week's time could either etch you in a memory or let some tongues loose.

The lucky die on time, the unlucky leave a paperscroll of bills to be paid.

Concepts relating to death, doesnt always make you end up dead, they're just borrowed concepts.

* Death is a state of mind, where all you have to do is ponder, what clothes you gotta wear next and if the sugar in coffee is sufficient.


My Unfinished Life said...

haunting....yeah..it's we who torture our own minds with the memories....

lost time can truely be never brought back!!!!

Amit Hembrom said...

Stop writting blogs and i will supply a beer / year !!