Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Blessing called Life

The pale look into the eyes, random expression, wounded soul, tortured senses, head count for the world, burden for self, hope with time and hope with practise, They sense the world with the muteness of the night, sparkling thoughts looking at the dull lighted world, searching a way of life to live it the way the eyes perceive, kissing the dust for its the rest for the head and torso, shelter aint home and home aint shelter, winters kill them for the sheer will to stay alive, summers burn them for daring to staring aside.

They live life and know not what they live it for, maybe scared of death, maybe sacred to live, hinging on the edge of decision, they let the time move, dont know what they think when they strtch their arms and ask for food, for money, for love, for hope, for direction, for a better form of life, who's here to bless them all, whos here to promise a better world, A lucky day would be generous to give them a morsel of stale and hal-dog-eaten food, dont know whats their food for thought, their reaction to the news, frown for the loss, happiness for the moment are all that can be measured.

Tomorrow, they have a new home, they have anew life, they have new friends, just the street of life changes lanes, slows the speed, gives time for new thoughts, new ideas that spring through the seeds that have been sown, reap the decisions that have been made, dwell in the moment of glory and carry on with life, uncertainity in all forms, sorrow in measures, living life on terms which told to no one, explained to none, simplified victory and ultimate death.

Thanks to www.yomtovart.com for the pic.


Aalekh said...
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Aalekh said...

well the last time i left the office, i remember using only 1 comp, dont know how my name features in the other logins :)

Nida Rasheed said...


what d'you want to know about @PK? I can give you the details but if you could tell me what I need to focus on I could make it more effective. What say?

Lemme know soon.