Firstly, Aerosmith, dudes, are performing in Bangalore ( which's just about to become my HOME for a long long time ) and apparently Jayashree is going, dosent piss me off, cos i choose not to go, Errr, yeah, to think of the girls who'd come to see Joe Perry, would probably be worth, but then again, at this moment, i cannot stand so much of rock, love and hate and memories of Alicia Silverstone, Ooooooooooooooh :D
I respect people who appreciate metal and more than that who know their music, Jayashree's
one of them, atleast this conversation on Orkut will tell u why.
J = Jayashree
V = Vamsi
V : Dream On, Dream On, Dreeeeeeam On, Dream on till ur dreams come true
J : dude looks like a lady to you!
V : Vamsi's got a Gunnnn
J : you just want to Walk This Wayy
V : And U dont wana miss a thing
J : cos i'm the one who jaded you
V : Ur plain Crazy . . . . .
J : well, you're not Amazing either.
V : So now u dont "Walk My Way
J : no, i prefer Living On The Edge
V : Or probably The Other side
J : or maybe i'll Just Push Play
V : Or maybe Fall in love ( cos its hard on Knees )
J : (ooh! that's one of my favourites!), yeah. to heal the Hole In My Soul.
V : ( Shit, i wanted to write Hole in My Soul next :P ), To Heal a hole in ur soul, you should "Come Together".
J : yeah, possibly, cos Something's Gotta Give.
V : and that'll be Sweet Emotion
J : and then we Crash.
V : and then we crash on "Same Old Song And Dance"
J : good thing we have Nine Lives.
V : so we actually "Remember (Walking In The Sand"
J : waiting for a Taste Of India.
V : so finally we "Rock In A Hard Place"
J : and then we're Crying, (i like. very much.)
V : ( Aaaaah, Alicia Silverstone ), cos the world's turning out "Pink" LOL.
J : (argh. that was my line), now we're just fallen angels and i think we should wind up.
V : yeah, we're simply "Mama's Kin"
J : yeah, we're Drop Dead Gorgeous..
IMO, that was a kick ass conversation with someone who really knows their music, i wouldnt
mind if its rock, atleast she knows what she's talking unlike people who're like "Oh the band
which played the soundtrack to Armageddon and its "kvlt" to watch bands perform live" and
other comments go. But yeah, id probably end up going to the concert or just call someone who's there to listen to my favourite song by them when they're playing, think id ask my pals to call me when "Crying" is being played, i swear i love this song, the video is so kick ass too, its actually playing in my head right now as i type this. Brillliant, simply Brilliant, Aerosmith didnt just made some kick ass music, they complimented it with kick-ass videos too. Hail.
Vodka in summer ? Errr...... Why not :P
Finally, my baby is here, my HP dv6226TX laptop is here and its arrived with a bang, Im so glad that i have this lappie, feels like a part of my family, *sob*, *sob*, anyways, I love my lappie. Just started putting in all my pics from the desktop, the AIESEC memories
folder went first, hehe, lots of pics, could not belive so many were there, was like a rush of
memories through limited time, was nice, gotta check all pics once again and think about them
if there's anything to be thought about and then switch to the next pic, to give it, its share of
time and thought. Feels so nice when we look at the photographs and go back in time as a third
person when you urself are a second person in the room and then re-enact, judge it all, should
probably feel better/worse/nothing for all i know, but somehow i feel, its all gonna be different.
Anyways, sleepy as hell, will watch Coupling for a while and hit the bed.
Your Depression Level: 88% |
 You seem to be severely depressed. You should seek immediate attention from your physician. Depression can be cured - you just need to take the first step. |
The Movie Of Your Life Is A Black Comedy |
 In your life, things are so twisted that you just have to laugh. You may end up insane, but you'll have fun on the way to the asylum.
Your best movie matches: Being John Malkovich, The Royal Tenenbaums, American Psycho |
Your Career Type: Artistic |
 You are expressive, original, and independent. Your talents lie in your artistic abilities: creative writing, drama, crafts, music, or art.
You would make an excellent:
Actor - Art Teacher - Book Editor Clothes Designer - Comedian - Composer Dancer - DJ - Graphic Designer Illustrator - Musician - Sculptor
The worst career options for your are conventional careers, like bank teller or secretary. |
Now, this is weird
You Have Your Emotions in Check |
 You are an incredibly stable and happy person. Ever consider being a therapist? You have figured out how to keep a positive outlook, no matter what. You don't have an easier life than anyone else. You just have figured things out a little more. |
Hmmm, wonder, what do people actually do this all for :P
Anyways, im emotionally stable, which i totally agree and yes, to be true, there's this cloud of depression that always hangs over me, dont ask me why or how, probably its because of all the Doom Metal music i listen to, lol, the real reason is Im just sick of a lot of things and dont see the meaning of things that are not meant to be understood, i mean was discussing about this yes'day, What percentage of people actually need a brain ? i concluded 1.5, i mean there are so many things that people overlook and not even bother thinking about them all, i mean, important things too, which should be thought for a moment, which should be introspected by oneself, Nope, there's no analysis, there's no bullshit, there's plain life, which circles around the same parameters for all the time in the world, suprisingly people will know if ur out of the orbit, but they dont know why ur in the orbit or what the fuck are you doing in it, makes no sense to them, it does not, cos they dont think about it at all, survival ? Survival makes no meaning, evolution is a curse, people are scared to look into themselves, that's why they're facade helps while looking into the mirrors, there's nothing that shall happen/work without thinking, but we make it so routine, we make it so independent of thought, that an intelligent idea is a sin, its a break up of the existing system, its the dawn of a new problem, and the problem is you who've brought up the idea. No matter how brillliant it will be, you wont be respected, you are not in charge and you shall suffer, Hmmm, taming the thoughts just wont do sometimes, so does being yourself or being what you want to be in a group, sometimes, things that absolutely make no sense to you seem funny to people, thats when you know, u could be succesful.